In the south pole...
South pole rules
No cracking any icebergs.
No "fishing" in restricted areas lik a tag?.
Catch a fish before you leave here...Muahahahaha

The iSoLaTeD penguins of four!!

Who are we? dun tell you but tell you sumthing we are the isolated penguins of four!! whoots! dun mess wif us or else... let you noe our members: BBD-Dickson
Lim Bu- Jaslin

Wish list

Wish the four of us stay long and united for lifes!!
Wish all get power marks for the yr!!

Penguin pals!

penguin 1 BBD

Go back...

> cannot tahan long time no post for this blog dead ...
> ello penguins even though this blog is totall dead...
> 1 May 2009
> Saturday 7th March 2009
> BOO ! influence by joel =D
> Saturday 28th February 2009
> ello peeps!! todae is such a damn fcking dae?fck f...
> pikaboo !! hellos my fellow penguins <3whys is it ...
> Saturday 21st February 2009
> ELLO PPL!! Penguin BBd IS HERE!! welcumme wif appl...

Fish out for memories

> February 2009
> March 2009
> April 2009
> May 2009
> June 2009

Swim...And talk.

ShoutMix chat widget

Thank you!

Designer: Flippers...
Photo hosting: Flippers...
Created at: Flippers...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

cannot tahan long time no post for this blog dead try revive it the penguins are mostly not together...nvm i bring them together...

Swam past AT 4:55 AM ^^

Saturday, May 2, 2009

ello penguins even though this blog is totall dead but i guess bbd can revive this blog... coz whereever he goes he brings lolipop and rainbows haha lame shit... lolz.. ani waez i cover azira word wishes and blessings for ur m.y.e and take care oif health coz the swine flu is serious wor.. haha

Swam past AT 12:23 AM ^^

1 May 2009
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Trying to save the penguins. It's dying soon. Penguins having a big exam now So to all penguins good luck in your exams...

Penguin azira

Swam past AT 8:47 PM ^^

Saturday 7th March 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009


I'm bored & tired coz got exchange jus now. Btw i'm nt gonna be in good mood this few days so hope u guyz could understand if u see me like no mood these days.

Signing off at 5.48p.m

Swam past AT 1:44 AM ^^

Thursday, March 5, 2009

BOO ! influence by joel =D

Swam past AT 1:12 AM ^^

Saturday 28th February 2009
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Penguin Zira here

GRRRRRRRR Penguin BBD & Penguin Explosion. I WILL get higher mark than you guyz nxt time. I dun care. No barrier can stop me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAHAHAHAHA. I wun give u all face. hehehehehehe

Penguin Zira signing off.

Swam past AT 1:00 AM ^^

Friday, February 27, 2009

ello peeps!! todae is such a damn fcking dae?
fck fckfckfckfckfckfckfckfckfckfck
wtfck reallie lorh todae me penguin bbd has to go for a fcking competition which is stupid and fcking! reallie sial... den todae god back our eng and maths paper...
firstly let's congrats jaslin and zira for the only passes in the whole cls!!! whoots...

for maths lets congrats DICKSON and RONVIN for being i dunnoe? THE BEST?? haha
nvm let's work hard kaes?
siging oFF be penguin bbd

Swam past AT 4:03 AM ^^